Sunday, October 17, 2010

I forgot to ask the client if I could blog one of their family photos that I did today. Mostly because I think I felt bad for dragging them all over the place. I wanted to do the photos outside (so did the client). The very minute we stepped outside near the desired location, it started to rain. Not just a pretty little sprinkle, more like a cats and dogs kind of downpour. So I took them inside a local establishmentto try to grab a few photos in there. As soon as I had made a makeshift studio and changed lenses to get the most out of the barely adequate lighting, the sun came back out! Not complaining, I am just saying. We travelled back outside and the temperature dropped like 15 degrees! Yay, red noses for everyone. Anyway, when I went back inside to gather my equipment I was inspired to get a few shots. My assistant Alex was with me and I had him press the button a few times. WHAT! You say I am vain! That's fine, I don't care. I am going to be 40 in a few weeks and a little photoshop to your own photo does wonders for your self esteem. Seriously though, between God and my wife, I have no self esteem issues. But I do look pretty good in this photo don't I!
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