Monday, September 7, 2009

Stew. Short for Stewart. Say hello. Three feet away from this cat can be quite intimidating.  But what a great opportunity to get this shot!  I took this with a small point and shoot.  A Canon SD800.  I had it on manual so I could set the white balance and ISO.  I couldn't set the shutter or aperature but the camera chose 1/200s and f5.6.  I turned off the flash.  I can't imagine what how Stew would have reacted with a flash going off in his eyes.  I certainly don't want to find out either.  I really wish I would have had my D90 or D200 with me but I am quite happy with the results from my point and shoot.  I am thinking of the movie Ratatouille when the chef says "anyone can cook".  I think the same holds true for photography that anyone can take great photos.  It just takes practice and patience.

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