Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Here's one that I am not so much focused on the settings of the camera but more about being in the right place at the right time. Sure, if I hadn't exposed the image properly, this shot would have never came out. I will tell you that I helped about five other people get this shot too. I knew that this was going to be decent shot because of the content, so I was patient. The people in the picture didn't know which camera to look at because there was a paparazzi. If it had gone that way without intervention, no one would have gotten a good shot. I told the people in the photo to look at that camera, FLASH, ok now look at that camera, FLASH, ok now here, FLASH. Now everyone has a good shot with all all eyes focused on their camera. That's a little photogragher etiquette for you, for free! Ok fine, to all my millions of fans, here are the settings that I used: Nikon D90 with 18-200VR lens, SB-800 Flash. Flash was on Full Power bounced off of 15 ft ceiling with bounce card. 1/125s shutter, f7.1, ISO800, Focal Length 26mm.

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