Sunday, August 21, 2011

I was very nervous about this photo the night before knowing that there was only going to be one chance to get this right.  It was an overcast morning and there was rain falling just 5 minutes after we were done!  I replaced the sky from a photo a took in June.  I had to re-adjust the colors for it to match and the cloud in the corner makes it just convincing enough, not too much, just enough. I used my f1.8 50mm lens as it is the fastest lens I have.  To really stop the motion I wanted a high shutter speed.  I also wanted a big enough aperture in case they fell out of my focus a little bit.  My settings seemed to work well as I had it set to 1/1000 at f8.  I set the camera to take multiple images at high speed.  This was the third frame.  Super cool, fun people! Thank you Nicole and Casey!!  

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Victoria and her horse, Sugar. She is so proud. Summer 2011
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Friday, July 22, 2011

 An engagement photo with one person?!? The future groom had just departed the scene and was about to give his fiance a hand up when I saw her sitting there looking like an angel! I hope she enjoys the photo...
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Friday, July 8, 2011

Probably my most "Wow" shot of the day after a little photoshop love. This photo shoot was for  Utoria functions as an interactive learning experience where teenage girls can sell things to gain knowledge, and earn real money.  You can check them out on facebook or go to the website at
Ok fine, for all my photography geeks out there, here are the specs:
I used a Nikon D90.  Sunny white Balance.  ISO 500.  I used an 80-200f2.8 lens.  1/400 f5.  Saturation was normal but I used the Vivid setting and bumped the hue up +2.  That gave my skin tones a touch more yellow instead of red which is common when using a Vivid setting.  I softened the photo some in photoshop by reducing the noise.  I clone stamped out a few stray rocks, leaves etc so there were no distractions.  Except for that yellow leaf I see now beneath the slate! Posted by Picasa