Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Will you look at this B-E-A-utiful dog! It is a Bernese Mountain Dog. It belongs to a nice young lady who works at the Nemacolin Pet Spa. You should see this dog in person! The paws are HUGE! Gert. That's the name. Short for Gertrude I believe. Gert weighs in at 101 pounds. I had to take a photo of Gert for some flags or banners that will be hung around the property. She was freshly groomed and washed just before she came out into the sunshine. So what did Gert do? Ran straight for the lake! 1/200s - f10 - ISO200 - WB:Direct Sunlight - Vivid Color. I photoshopped out some "shoestring" saliva from the mouth. I think I am going to submit this photo to Bernese Mountain Dogs Quarterly as the cover image. Whaddya think?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Layers. That's how this is done. How could I get a photo of the family AND fireworks at just the right time? The next day in photoshop. Camera on a tripod to get the fireworks. I handed the camera to a friend for the family shot. There's a few different ways to do this but I chose to lasso around what I wanted to keep with a feather of 25 pixels. I copied what I had lasso'd (ctrl-C) and then pasted (ctrl-V) on top of the fireworks photo. I positioned the family photo where I wanted and then began to erase away any extra that I didn't want from my lasso'ing. That's about it. It looks pretty cool though and you know it was a Fourth of July photo! I am sending to all friends and family who don't subscribe to my blog. They should all be subscribed to my blog right ... um... hello...